The Vincennes Sun from Vincennes, Indiana (2024)

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The Vincennes Suni

Vincennes, Indiana

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PAGE NINE THE VINCENNES SUN Hl RIDAY DECEMBER 14 1934 STABS ATAL TO Wi lev Post in Wild and Wooly Pose i CHILEAN WRITER IN PHILADELPHIA Vincennes on Housewives Who Want The Best STATUS the Delaware he of the of Wednesday to s119! BARTLESVILLE Okla Dec 14 aviation enthusiast sponsored Post dated into the rites of Mr Phillips' was arrested ONLY 8 SHOPPING DAYS 'TILL XMAS 322 324 Matn Strett The appo ntment of James Penman of Brazil as secretary to Shermam Al MihtOn Democratic senator A LASH and state recovery activi NORTH POLE WIRELESS SERVICE Today and Tomorrow SUN CLASSIIED BIG SUNDAY DINNER CHOICE SANTA CLAUS A Coffee Milk ft ALL OR 25c 25c Inches 17x12 HOME COOKED OODS COOKS $190 ST LING and sti (aii OERTLES (All St? Case ALLS CITY (All WHAT IT WILL DO! COUPON we 0 till Deliver a Case to I 1 IND COGAN i in DRUG STORE 26 1st Phone 140 303 MAIN ST WklMOlNE the police found elaborate under ever seized here gen Val for farm It will make your lii tivez will clear away old 12 Inch Diameter in his latest attempt to break the airplane altitude record The cowboy hat which Post is sporting Susceptibility to infantile paraly sis runs in families results of a re cent study show fi The oldest tree in Paris is a white acacia 250 years old It has weath ered the storms of many wars and still stands in the garden of the church of St Julien le Pauvre Post famous globe circlingassumes a wild and wooly In New Guinea native couples dance with their noses locked to gether COPPER CLAD QUICK MEAL MAJESTIC ADVANCE BEACON APPOINTMENT i JENMAN CERTAIN fl er more ac bile deposits Most Originator of Indo Vin who chooses riday and Saturday to offer his medi cine purely on a trial basis at a fraction of its actual cost Rate Dec 14 1934 HEAD QUARTERS OR COAL RANGES LUNCHEON SPECIAL ANY DAY CHRISTMAS DINNER RIDAY EVENING Circle Girls Missionary group the irst Christian church will have a Christmas dinner meeting riday evening at the home of Miss Helen Shepard on Perry street Miss Edna Pyle is in charge of the Christmas program with Miss Betty Anne Moore giving a Christ mas story and Miss Marian Sproat giving several vocal selections' Misses Lucille Andrews and Lu cille Hoke wall be in charge of the dinner menu TRY SUN CLASSIIED INDIANAPOLIS DeC A report issued by the research de partment of the Indiana State Chamber of Commerce: shows that Indiana is in better condition than most of the other states in the mat ter of public debts At the end of the fiscal year in 1933 however the report pointed out that numerous state govern ment subdivisions still owed $181 161628 In 1932 the average per capita indebtedness inf all states was $14127 while that in Indiana was $6087 1 Plus $100 Deposit for Container DEALERS LISTED BELOW 2 HINGTON Dec 14 OUR STOVE RT I THAT WE ARE heads had on at the s5ap2S ANYTIME I COEE SANTIAGO Chile Dec Two knife stabs ended yesterday the adventurous life of Jose pantos Chocano considered by some to be the greatest living poet of any Spanish speaking country i The 59 year old Peruvian was killed while on a crowded street car by a man police said claimed he had lost his life savings in a scheme by Chocano to seek buried treasure The career of Chocano who call ed himself singer of America aboriginal and was like fic tion Manj' Latin governments hon ored him and several jailed or ex pelled him for political activities Alfonso then King of Spain and others saved the life by pe titioning for clemency when he was sentenced to death in Guatemala after a government to which was adviser was overthrown Mcnu*tT CONERS WITH PRESIDENT IINDIANAPOLIS Dec The woman were Charles Zeid in the killing a Camden inside causins PAINS and the program for providlng cheaper electrical rates In that area and It was predicted that the next ten years will see the electrifying of 50 percent of the farm homes in Am erica Endorsem*nt of the tion's recovery program's was one of the outstanding features of the meeting It was generally conceded that until trade with foreign coun tries can be on a large scale it will be necessary for the agricultural administration to con tinue its crop control program Weiss Kidnaping Reveal ed Police ind Elab orate Arsenal Latin Poet Killed Crowded Car Says Public Debt Condi 1 tion Better thus relieving spells of biliousness and sick headache Relieves: rheumatism and neuritis giving quirk relief from pain IT WILTj put a stop to the 'skin eruptions that are caused by the im purities in the organs will overcome the sallowness or that is due to sluggish liver and will put the ROSY GLOW KAUTH into your cheeks The unfailing remedy: for fe male complaints Indo Vin Twill make your stomach livr kidneys and bowels more ac tive build you up in general and make you TXX)1C ACT and EEL like a DIERENT MAN or WOMAN years younger than your real age To get your first bottle for 25c (riday and Saturday ONLY) bring coupon I to the store below nr sendith 25c (stamps or coin) to Indo Vin Jnc Cincinnati Ohio and medi cine will be shipped postpaid CAE SECOND McADOO IN HOSPITAL MANILA I Dec Senator William' Gibbs McAdoo of California is suffering from "an Ir ritation of the intestinal and will remain under observation in Army hospital here sereval days physicians said tonight Was: Governor Mcnu*ttvf Indiana con ferred briefly today with President Roosevelt on the co ordination of federal ties The governor who is in Washing ton attending the crime conference declined to comment on details of the White House meeting He sdld the recent row over pat ronage between himself and the congressional delegation all set and was not discussed at the White House today VINCENNES IND Baker 7th and Main St Will Bey 108 Main St Beesley 927 Wabash Ave Ballard ood Stores 532 4th St airground Ave A Kiefer 522 6th St Matt Kapp 408 South 10th St Roughan Gro Co 10th and Main Stores) I Hensley 917 Prairie St Knowles 1644 Willow Stores) Schmidt Bros 420 South 13th St Schultx 527 7th St Jones Lee 906 llppet 11th Jerry Hedden 516 Harrison St Hislip Tade 1325 Wabash Ave Ed 701 Upper Eleventh St Service Gro 13JL8 North 11th St Southwood Gro 1147 McKinley Ave Albert Haartje 2021 airground Ave Ned Melvin 602 Cullop Jones 2425 Second Taylor 2232 Second Asa Dennison 2 West Indianapolis Ave Spencer 28 New Albany Bev Gro Co 1902 Second St Thompson 205 St Clair St Roast Pork and Apple Sauce Raked Chicken Noodles and Dumplings Roast Duck and Oyster Dressing Reef Rib Roast and Brown Gravy Served with Mashed Potatoes Candied i Sweet Potatoes Buttered Peas Celery Apple Cobbler Drink Included Tea VISIT A AGREE 10 THE HOUSEWIVES If EVERYWHERE: THE SMART THINGS IN CHRISTMAS GITS THIS YEAR ARE BEAUTIUL LIETIME GITS CHROMIUM SERVING TRAYS OR RUIT BOWLS IN BEAUTIUL COL ONIAL PATTERNS THIS GIT OER MADE POSSIBLE BY THE COLGATE PALMOLIVE PEET CO TOGETHER WITH YOUR LOCAL OOD STORES ONLY EIGHT DAYS UNTIL XMAS ACT QUICKLY YOURS 3 BARS PALMOLIVE SOAP 1 PACKAGE SUPER SUDS 2 PKG OCTAGON SOAP PWDR 4 BARS GIANT OCTAGON SOAP Your Choice of ruit Bowl or Tray the trophy room of rank Eoi jauntily is present from Phil jWoolaroc Lodge near Bart lips given after Post was duly irii Oklal tiated into the rites of Mr is Oklahoma oiT man and famous Woolaroc Clan Ji A Square Deal Highest Market prices Paid for Poultry and Eggs Delivered Our Door Knox Poultry Corp? 4th St and Ry Phone 498 SUERERS ROM STOMACH TROUBLE WEAK KIDNEYS LAZY LIVER NERVOUSNESS AND GENERAL RUN DOWN CONDITION: PHILADELPHIA Dec Police today expressed belief that a raid last night on an uptown hot(se yielded the solution of at least three crimes one of them the kid naping of William Weiss local night life figure Reporting that Weiss may have been drowned by his abductors they plmned to drag river today 1 our men and a seized among them who has been sought of William eitz detective In the house one of the most world arsenals Some of the equipment they said came from the National Guard at Norristown near here which was robbed this week Others arrested they said are rank Rj Wiley who escaped from the Eastern penitentiary' last July by crawling through a sewer Har ry Seidel a man who describes him self as George Barrett and Mrs Beatrice Wilkinson also known as Walker said to bo com panion The three small daugh ters were turned over to a police matron Weiss was abducted from his sub urban home on the night of October 26 A report never confirmed was that his associate Albert Mayer paid $25000 in a futile effort to gain his release Mrs Weiss re ceived several ransom notes and telephone calls and tried to com municate with her husband's ab ductors federal agents said LOWEST PRICES Pay Over 25c or Medicine Indo Vin will cleanse your bow els not drastic or se vere) as they were NEVER CLEANSED BEORE It will bring out awful gases and Impurities (frequently: from the first dose) which may have been inside ef you a long time causing you many I days of misery with headaches dizzy spells skin eruptions and lazy drowsy tired feeling Indo Vin will relieve acid conditions and make the digestive organs sweet and clean and give complete relief from indigestion bloating sour stom "ach shortness of breath and dyspep sia IT WIIL give you the greatest ap petite you EVER HAD IN YOUR life I Indo Vin will act as 1 diuretic to sluggish kidneys ami flush out quan tities of impurity that have be come dammed aviator pose in Phillips Philli VINCENNES IND William Peters 1319 Short St Baldwin Gror 317 Locust St Yocum Ritterskamp 702 Second John Hoffman Son 402 Second Ray Boultinghouse 1401 Main St Chas Hippiehauser 1240 Main St Steve Williams 103 I5th Stores) Morgan Gro 514 Manilla BICKNELL IND John Hash Debarge Gro Marshall Roberts Gro McKeiheine Gro Trebscheori Gro orgey Gro Powell Horn Gro Reily Gro Hendrick Gro Winstead Gro BRUCEVILLE Medford Purcell Gro Hill Gro DECKER IND Gro EMISON IND Thos Hoffman for 99' ($350 Value) Every person who suffers can have a liberal introductory bottle jf the Newest Medicine to for 25 CENTS Simply read the offer below Do this in your own interest This and scientific Tnedicine known as Indo Vin has helped 87 per cent of the people wlio have taken it Therefore we offer the first introductory bottle at 25 1 CENTS because we believe the oeople who are benefited will keep in using it The regular full size price of this medicine is $l2a REPORT PRAISES ROBBERS SHOOT GUARD DETROIT Dec ee robbers hiding in the tobacco man (ironf Mrinzv rif (bn nr al pinuw wa mt Plllon Co ambushed the company 1 paymaster this afternoon shot a and escaped with money es ainated at about $5000 I WHAT IT IS! Indo Vin is a new advanced medical compound of 29 of the in 1 est Medicinal Herbs and not one a habit forming drug It is taken after meals and mixes with the food in stomach thus throw ing off the poisons that foster stomach troubles and permitting the kidneys and liver to function properly It acts within 10 min Ttes to stop gas and pains sour ness bloat and belching It will not gripe or nauseate you like or dinary liver medicines It will the bile from the liver as black as ink At the same: time Indo Vin drives the poisons from the kid neys and relieves backaches blad der irritation and weakness Re lieves children from bed wetting in a few days strengthens the nerves by natural means Now whether Indo Vin help you as it has thousands of others whether it will end your suffer 1 ing in a day or a remains to be sen But in light of what it has done for others it is a mistake not to try ifc for 25 CENTS only a' fraction of actual cost This introductory offer is good riday and Saturday ONLY so read the rest of this announce ment and act at once Do this in fairness to yourself and your fam ily A KTinfAn elct from Indiana was said to be al certainty today I I John Senibower of Bloomington wlio was graduated recently from Indiana tmhersity will be assist ant secretary He is the son (of Dean Charles Scmbower at In diana university 1 I I I I The islfmd of Martinique in the West Indies was the birthplace i of Empress 'Josephine wife of Na poleon Bonaparte ARREST COMMUNIST 1 4 I Com Xv AU IxN Hj IS A a st Kjt i Herman Communist party organ i izer who reported to dep uties that twp men kidnaped and i beat him yesterday was arrested I today on a warrant charging crim 5 inal libel Benson Concmued rom Page One he said The total attendance was approximately 2500 Roosevelt Speaks The convention was opened by a long distance telephone call from President ranklin Roosevelt in which he urged the Importance of farmers organizing to aid in carry ing out the recovery program of the administration The money question was discussed at the opening session of the meet ing by George Warren chief ad visor on the monetary situation This was followed by an address by Cordell Hull secretary of state on armer and Reciprocal Trade The address was broad cast over the Columbia network Each address was followed by general discussions led by execu tives of the various state arm Bureau organizations Dr Bruner of Columbia univer sity was the principal speaker at the Monday night session His ad dress was followed by an oratorical contest participated in by ten Tennessee natives An address on by Walter Myers governor of the arm Bureau credit administration of New York featured the opening session Tuesday Address by Davis Chester Davis of the agricultural administration was the afternoon speaker He predicted that agricul tural credits will be extended A banquet was the feature of Tuesday night session John Wynant governor New Hampshire and Secretary of Agriculture Henn Wallace were the speakers on the morning program Extension department charge of the discussion ing the arm Wednesday session and told of the value of farm women and junior department organizations in the arm Bureau An outstanding feature of the meeting was the closing address by David Lilienthal director and eral consul for the Tennessee ley improvement project discussed die program electrifvine the American homes He discussed the success of OAKTOWN IND Gro Oaktown Mkt EDWARDSPORT IND Brian Morris Tardrant REELANDVILLE IND Heidelmier Gro Shaffer Bros Gro Kixmiller Gro MONROE CITY Like Gro Kensler Gro SANDBORN IND Due Gro Brays Gro Gregory Gro Pahmeier Gro WHEATLAND IND Lindsay Gro Weaver Gro Sechrest Gro LAWRENCEVILLE ILL Big 4 Gro Roughan Gro Happy Hour Store McCormick Gro RAID SOLVES CRIMES and only 25c GOOD OR ONE INTRODUCTORY BOTTLE INDO VIN (Iriday or Saturday Only) DUESTERBERG if Ok Ai llli? i S' 'A I i i mBE3f 1 JI at 9 I I Af TiivS tvy vOCW 5 1 she SM I i 1 12' BK7 3U I a 5 KJ flPTl i fl a wrvZSaBtj MB a 5 Ola i liCaH 1 5 i If i Your Home i.

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The Vincennes Sun from Vincennes, Indiana (2024)
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Author: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

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Name: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

Birthday: 1992-06-28

Address: Apt. 413 8275 Mueller Overpass, South Magnolia, IA 99527-6023

Phone: +6824704719725

Job: District Real-Estate Facilitator

Hobby: Letterboxing, Vacation, Poi, Homebrewing, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Mrs. Angelic Larkin, I am a cute, charming, funny, determined, inexpensive, joyous, cheerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.